Understand Two Addresses

Must Read

Key Points

So, it's easy to get the idea that, there are 2 addresses we may need to pay attention to

  • The address of the array under layer and
  • The address of the slice header

The 1st address is straight forward, but what's the slice header mean? Actually, the slice header is the struct of slice itself above mentioned.

// SliceHeader is the runtime representation of a slice.
// It cannot be used safely or portably and its representation may
// change in a later release.
// Moreover, the Data field is not sufficient to guarantee the data
// it references will not be garbage collected, so programs must keep
// a separate, correctly typed pointer to the underlying data.
type SliceHeader struct {
    Data uintptr
    Len  int
    Cap  int

Ok, let's understand these 2 addresses with dlv debugger.

Two Addresses - string slice

Let's use this piece code to understand these 2 addresses. First, let's look at string slice

func StringSliceAddresses() {

    a := make([]string, 0, 2)
    fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    a = append(a, "a1")
    fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)

    b := make([]string, 2, 2)
    b[0] = "b0"
    fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    b = append(b, "b2")
    fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)


In this code gist, fmt.Println("%p, %p\n", a, &a), would print the addresses of the array under layer and the slice header

Let's use the dlv tool to verify this.

  • Launch the main.go with dlv tool. You may do this by:
dlv debug main.go
b main.main // set breakpoint at entry point
  • And then, let's exam the memory of a
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:10 (PC: 0x10aea9f)
     5: )
     7: func StringSliceAddresses() {
     9:         a := make([]string, 0, 2)
=>  10:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    11:         a = append(a, "a1")
    12:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    14:         b := make([]string, 2, 2)
    15:         b[0] = "b0"
(dlv) n
a: 0xc0000be000, 0xc0000ac018   // NOTE: here, we got 2 addresses
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:11 (PC: 0x10aeb8c)
     7: func StringSliceAddresses() {
     9:         a := make([]string, 0, 2)
    10:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
=>  11:         a = append(a, "a1")
    12:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    14:         b := make([]string, 2, 2)
    15:         b[0] = "b0"
    16:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
(dlv) p *(*string)(0xc0000be000)       //NOTE: we print the 1st evelement in the array, and we don't have any element yet
(dlv) p *(*unsafeheader.Slice)(0xc0000ac018)
internal/unsafeheader.Slice {Data: unsafe.Pointer(0xc0000be000), Len: 0, Cap: 2} //NOTE: we print the `SliceHeader`, by the address of a 
(dlv) n
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:12 (PC: 0x10aec3d)
     7: func StringSliceAddresses() {
     9:         a := make([]string, 0, 2)
    10:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    11:         a = append(a, "a1")
=>  12:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    14:         b := make([]string, 2, 2)
    15:         b[0] = "b0"
    16:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    17:         b = append(b, "b2")
(dlv) n
a: 0xc0000be000, 0xc0000ac018   //NOTE: the address of the array under layer doens't change.
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:14 (PC: 0x10aed2c)
     9:         a := make([]string, 0, 2)
    10:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    11:         a = append(a, "a1")
    12:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
=>  14:         b := make([]string, 2, 2)
    15:         b[0] = "b0"
    16:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    17:         b = append(b, "b2")
    18:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
(dlv) p *(*string)(0xc0000be000)
"a1"   //NOTE: now, we have the 1st element "a1"
(dlv) p *(*unsafeheader.Slice)(0xc0000ac018)
internal/unsafeheader.Slice {Data: unsafe.Pointer(0xc0000be000), Len: 1, Cap: 2}  //NOTE: the length of the array under layer changed.
  • Now, let's continue with b
(dlv) n
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:15 (PC: 0x10aed87)
    10:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    11:         a = append(a, "a1")
    12:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    14:         b := make([]string, 2, 2)
=>  15:         b[0] = "b0"
    16:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    17:         b = append(b, "b2")
    18:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    20: }
(dlv) n
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:16 (PC: 0x10aedd2)
    11:         a = append(a, "a1")
    12:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    14:         b := make([]string, 2, 2)
    15:         b[0] = "b0"
=>  16:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    17:         b = append(b, "b2")
    18:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    20: }
(dlv) n
b: 0xc0000be020, 0xc0000ac060
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:17 (PC: 0x10aeece)
    12:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    14:         b := make([]string, 2, 2)
    15:         b[0] = "b0"
    16:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
=>  17:         b = append(b, "b2")
    18:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    20: }
(dlv) p *(*string)(0xc0000be020)
"b0"  //NOTE: we have "b0"
(dlv) p *(*unsafeheader.Slice)(0xc0000ac060)
internal/unsafeheader.Slice {Data: unsafe.Pointer(0xc0000be020), Len: 2, Cap: 2} //NOTE: the `Slice Header` data

(dlv) n
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:18 (PC: 0x10aef7f)
    14:         b := make([]string, 2, 2)
    15:         b[0] = "b0"
    16:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    17:         b = append(b, "b2")
=>  18:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    20: }
(dlv) n
b: 0xc0000b8040, 0xc0000ac060  //NOTE: the address of the array under layer changed. Since there is capbility extension. This makes sense
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:20 (PC: 0x10af06c)
    15:         b[0] = "b0"
    16:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
    17:         b = append(b, "b2")
    18:         fmt.Printf("b: %p, %p\n", b, &b)
=>  20: }
(dlv) p *(*string)(0xc0000b8040) //NOTE: The 1st element of new array
(dlv) p *(*string)(0xc0000b8040+16) //NOTE: The 2nd one
(dlv) p *(*string)(0xc0000b8040+32) //NOTE: The 3rd one. Got "b2" now

There is a question here. When get the 2nd and 3rd element (from the under layer array of a string slice), why the offset is 16 and 32? Considering that, the length of pointer (to string) on a 64bit system should be 8?

Let's discuss this in next section.

Two Addresses - string

The answer to above mentioned question is, the data stored in the under layer array, is the String Header itself, instead of the pointer to the string (presented by a String Header)

How to understand this?

  1. string in golang is just a read-only slice of bytes
  2. It's presented by reflect.StringHeader, which contains a pointer to the data and length, each takes 8 bytes on 64 bit system
  3. In the under layer array of string slice, the StringHeader itself is stored. (Instead of a pointer pointing to it)

The refelct.StringHeader:

// StringHeader is the runtime representation of a string.
// It cannot be used safely or portably and its representation may
// change in a later release.
// Moreover, the Data field is not sufficient to guarantee the data
// it references will not be garbage collected, so programs must keep
// a separate, correctly typed pointer to the underlying data.
type StringHeader struct {
    Data uintptr
    Len  int

So actually there are 2 addresses for string also. And the hidden address is pointing to the under layer read-only bytes array

(dlv) n
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:25 (PC: 0x10aea7a)
    21: }
    23: func StringAddresses() {
    24:         a := "test"
=>  25:         fmt.Printf("a: %p\n", &a)
    26: }
    28: func IntegerSliceAddresses() {
    30:         a := make([]int, 2, 2)                                                                                                                 (dlv) n                                                                                                                                                a: 0xc000010250
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StringAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:26 (PC: 0x10aeae5)
    21: }                                                                                                                                                  22:                                                                                                                                                    23: func StringAddresses() {                                                                                                                           24:         a := "test"
    25:         fmt.Printf("a: %p\n", &a)
=>  26: }
    28: func IntegerSliceAddresses() {
    30:         a := make([]int, 2, 2)
    31:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
(dlv) p *(*unsafeheader.String)(0xc000010250)
internal/unsafeheader.String {Data: unsafe.Pointer(0x10c67b7), Len: 4}  //NOTE: the address of bytes array is 0x10c67b7

Two Addresses - integer slice

Similar mechanism for integer slice. But the difference from string slice is that, the data stored in the under layer array is *int, so elements should be accessed by offset 8 * n (on 64 bit system).

Debug info:

> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.IntegerSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:35 (PC: 0x10aed17)
    30:         a := make([]int, 2, 2)
    31:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    32:         a[0] = 1
    33:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    34:         a = append(a, 3)
=>  35:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    37: }
(dlv) n
a: 0xc00001a100, 0xc00000c030   // NOTE: 2 addresses
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.IntegerSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:37 (PC: 0x10aee09)
    32:         a[0] = 1
    33:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    34:         a = append(a, 3)
    35:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
=>  37: }
(dlv) p *(*unsafeheader.Slice)(0xc00000c030)
internal/unsafeheader.Slice {Data: unsafe.Pointer(0xc00001a100), Len: 3, Cap: 4}
(dlv) p *(*int)(0xc00001a100)
(dlv) p *(*int)(0xc00001a100+8)
(dlv) p *(*int)(0xc00001a100+16)  //NOTE: access 3rd element by offset 8 * 2

Two Addresses - struct slice

Similar machanism for struct slice.

  • []StructType, the data stored in under layer array, it's the value (an instance) of StructType. But
  • []*StructType, the data stored is the pointer pointing to the instance of StructType

Code for debug

type Test struct {
    A string
    B int

func StructSliceAddress() {

    a := make([]Test, 2, 2)
    b := make([]*Test, 2, 2)

    s1 := Test{
        A: "s1",
        B: 1,

    s2 := Test{
        A: "s2",
        B: 2,

    a[0], a[1] = s1, s2
    b[0], b[1] = &s1, &s2

    fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", a, &a)
    fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", b, &b)

Debug info

> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StructSliceAddress() ./slice/examples.go:72 (PC: 0x10aed71)
    67:         }
    69:         a[0], a[1] = s1, s2
    70:         b[0], b[1] = &s1, &s2
=>  72:         fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", a, &a)
    73:         fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", b, &b)
    74: }
(dlv) n
0xc00007c180, 0xc00000c030
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StructSliceAddress() ./slice/examples.go:73 (PC: 0x10aee57)
    69:         a[0], a[1] = s1, s2
    70:         b[0], b[1] = &s1, &s2
    72:         fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", a, &a)
=>  73:         fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", b, &b)
    74: }
(dlv) p *(*unsafeheader.Slice)(0xc00000c030)
internal/unsafeheader.Slice {Data: unsafe.Pointer(0xc00007c180), Len: 2, Cap: 2}
(dlv) p *(*slice.Test)(0xc00007c180)
github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.Test {A: "s1", B: 1}
(dlv) p *(*slice.Test)(0xc00007c180+24)  //NOTE, offset as 24. 16 for string header + 8 for integer (or pointer)
github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.Test {A: "s2", B: 2}

(dlv) l
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StructSliceAddress() ./slice/examples.go:73 (PC: 0x10aee57)
    69:         a[0], a[1] = s1, s2
    70:         b[0], b[1] = &s1, &s2
    72:         fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", a, &a)
=>  73:         fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", b, &b)
    74: }
(dlv) n
0xc000010250, 0xc00000c048
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.StructSliceAddress() ./slice/examples.go:74 (PC: 0x10aef3e)
    69:         a[0], a[1] = s1, s2
    70:         b[0], b[1] = &s1, &s2
    72:         fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", a, &a)
    73:         fmt.Printf("%p, %p\n", b, &b)
=>  74: }
(dlv) p *(*unsafe.Pointer)(0xc000010250)  //NOTE: Get pointer first
(dlv) p *(*slice.Test)(0xc00000c060)  //NOTE: get struct from pointer
github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.Test {A: "s1", B: 1}
(dlv) p *(*unsafe.Pointer)(0xc000010250+8)  //NOTE: offset as 8
(dlv) p *(*slice.Test)(0xc00000c078)
github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.Test {A: "s2", B: 2}

Two Addresses - map slice

Similar mechanism for map slice. The data stored in under layer array is pointer to the map.

(dlv) n
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.MapSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:45 (PC: 0x10af096)
    41:         a := make([]map[int]string, 2, 2)
    42:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    43:         a[0] = map[int]string{0: "0"}
    44:         a[1] = map[int]string{1: "1"}
=>  45:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    47: }
(dlv) n
a: 0xc000010230, 0xc00000c030  // NOTE: 2 addresses
> github.com/brofu/deepingo/slice.MapSliceAddresses() ./slice/examples.go:47 (PC: 0x10af185)
    42:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
    43:         a[0] = map[int]string{0: "0"}
    44:         a[1] = map[int]string{1: "1"}
    45:         fmt.Printf("a: %p, %p\n", a, &a)
=>  47: }
(dlv) p *(*unsafeheader.Slice)(0xc00000c030)
internal/unsafeheader.Slice {Data: unsafe.Pointer(0xc000010230), Len: 2, Cap: 2}
(dlv) p *(*map[int]string)(0xc000010230)
map[int]string [
        0: "0",
(dlv) p *(*map[int]string)(0xc000010230+8)  //NOTE: offset as 8 * n
map[int]string [
        1: "1",

results matching ""

    No results matching ""